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2 Nap Schedule For 6 Month Old

2 Nap Schedule For 6 Month Old


As a new parent, you may find it hard to figure out the right sleeping schedule for your 6-month-old baby. One of the most common questions parents ask is whether a 2 nap schedule for 6-month-old babies is appropriate. In this article, we’ll dive deeper into this topic and provide you with a detailed guide on how to create a 2 nap schedule for your 6-month-old baby.

Personal Experience

When my son was 6 months old, he was still taking 3-4 naps a day, and it was hard to get him to sleep through the night. I talked to my pediatrician, and she recommended a 2 nap schedule for him. I followed her advice, and within a week, my son was sleeping better at night, and I was getting more rest too.

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Detail Schedule Guide

Here’s a detailed guide on how to create a 2 nap schedule for your 6-month-old baby: 6:00 AM: Wake up and feed your baby. 7:00 AM: Playtime. 8:00 AM: Naptime (1-2 hours). 10:00 AM: Wake up and feed your baby. 11:00 AM: Playtime. 12:00 PM: Naptime (1-2 hours). 2:00 PM: Wake up and feed your baby. 3:00 PM: Playtime. 4:30 PM: Short nap (30 minutes). 5:00 PM: Playtime. 6:00 PM: Start bedtime routine. 7:00 PM: Bedtime.

Schedule Table

Below is a table that summarizes the 2 nap schedule for a 6-month-old baby:

Time Activity
6:00 AM Wake up and feed your baby
7:00 AM Playtime
8:00 AM Naptime (1-2 hours)
10:00 AM Wake up and feed your baby
11:00 AM Playtime
12:00 PM Naptime (1-2 hours)
2:00 PM Wake up and feed your baby
3:00 PM Playtime
4:30 PM Short nap (30 minutes)
5:00 PM Playtime
6:00 PM Start bedtime routine
7:00 PM Bedtime

Question and Answer

Q: Can I adjust the nap schedule based on my baby’s needs?
A: Yes, you can adjust the nap schedule based on your baby’s needs. If your baby is sleeping longer during one nap, you can adjust the other nap accordingly. Q: What if my baby doesn’t want to nap?
A: If your baby doesn’t want to nap, try to create a relaxing environment by dimming the lights and playing soft music. You can also try to establish a consistent nap routine to help your baby get into a sleep routine.


Q: How long should a 6-month-old baby nap?
A: A 6-month-old baby should nap for 1-2 hours in the morning and 1-2 hours in the afternoon. Q: Can I let my 6-month-old baby nap longer than 2 hours?
A: It’s not recommended to let your 6-month-old baby nap longer than 2 hours. Longer naps can disrupt their sleep schedule and make it harder for them to sleep at night. Q: What if my baby wakes up early from a nap?
A: If your baby wakes up early from a nap, wait at least 15 minutes before going in to get them. They may be able to fall back asleep on their own.


Creating a 2 nap schedule for your 6-month-old baby can help them establish a healthy sleep routine and improve their sleep quality. Remember to adjust the schedule based on your baby’s needs and preferences. If you have any concerns about your baby’s sleep schedule, don’t hesitate to talk to your pediatrician.

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