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5 Month Old Baby Schedule

5 Month Old Baby Schedule


Being a new parent can be overwhelming, especially when it comes to setting up a schedule for your little one. As your baby reaches the five-month mark, it’s important to have a routine in place that caters to their needs. In this article, we’ll walk you through a typical 5-month-old baby schedule, along with tips and tricks to make the process easier for you and your baby.

Personal Experience

As a new mom, I struggled to establish a schedule for my 5-month-old baby. I wasn’t sure how much sleep she needed, the ideal feeding times, and how to balance playtime with naptime. However, after a few weeks of trial and error, I was able to come up with a schedule that worked for both of us.

List of Events or Competition of 5 Month Old Baby Schedule

– Feeding time – Naptime – Playtime – Bath time – Bedtime routine

Detail Schedule Guide for 5 Month Old Baby Schedule

6 am: Wake up and feeding time. Your baby should have at least 4-6 ounces of milk or formula. 7 am: Playtime. Engage your baby with toys, songs, and other activities. 8 am: Naptime. Your baby should sleep for about 2-3 hours. 11 am: Feeding time. Your baby should have another 4-6 ounces of milk or formula. 12 pm: Playtime. This is a great time to take your baby outside for some fresh air. 1 pm: Naptime. Your baby should sleep for about 2-3 hours. 4 pm: Feeding time. Your baby should have another 4-6 ounces of milk or formula. 5 pm: Playtime. This is a good time for some tummy time or gentle exercise. 6 pm: Bath time. This is a great way to unwind after a long day. 7 pm: Bedtime routine. Change your baby into their pajamas, read a story, and put them to bed.

Schedule Table for 5 Month Old Baby Schedule

Time Activity
6 am Feeding time
7 am Playtime
8 am Naptime
11 am Feeding time
12 pm Playtime
1 pm Naptime
4 pm Feeding time
5 pm Playtime
6 pm Bath time
7 pm Bedtime routine

Questions and Answers (FAQs)

Q: How many naps should my 5-month-old baby take?
A: Your baby should take at least 2-3 naps a day, each lasting for about 2-3 hours. Q: How much milk or formula should my 5-month-old baby have?
A: Your baby should have at least 4-6 ounces of milk or formula per feeding, and they should have 3-4 feedings a day. Q: Should I wake my baby up for feedings?
A: It’s best to let your baby sleep as much as they need, but if they haven’t woken up for a feeding in 4-5 hours, you may need to gently wake them up.


Setting up a schedule for your 5-month-old baby can be challenging, but with patience and perseverance, you’ll eventually find the routine that works best for you and your baby. Remember to be flexible, as your baby’s needs will change over time. With this guide, you’ll be well on your way to establishing a happy and healthy routine for your little one.

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