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9 Month Old Food Schedule

9 Month Old Food Schedule


As a new parent, it’s important to ensure your little one is getting the right nutrition. Feeding a 9-month-old baby can be a fun and challenging experience. At this stage, babies are usually starting to explore different foods and textures. In this article, we’ll provide a guide to help you create a 9-month-old food schedule that will keep your baby healthy and well-fed.

Personal Experience

As a parent of a 9-month-old baby, I understand the challenges that come with feeding a little one. At this stage, my baby was starting to show preferences for certain types of food and textures. It was a learning experience to find the right balance of nutrients and flavors for my baby’s needs.

List of Events or Competitions

There are no specific events or competitions related to a 9-month-old food schedule. However, some parents may find it helpful to join parenting groups or forums to exchange tips and ideas on feeding their babies.

9 Month Old Food Schedule Guide

Types of Food

At 9 months old, babies should be introduced to a variety of foods to ensure they get a range of nutrients. These include: – Fruits and vegetables: Offer a variety of soft fruits and vegetables, such as mashed bananas, cooked sweet potatoes, and steamed broccoli. – Grains: Introduce soft cooked grains like oatmeal, rice, and quinoa. – Proteins: Offer soft proteins like cooked chicken, fish, and tofu. – Dairy: Offer whole milk or yogurt.

Frequency of Meals

At 9 months old, babies typically eat three meals a day, along with two snacks. It’s important to offer a variety of foods at each meal to ensure your baby gets all the necessary nutrients.

Portion Sizes

A 9-month-old baby’s portion sizes should be small, about 2-4 tablespoons per meal. It’s important not to force your baby to eat more than they want or can handle.

Schedule Table

Time Meal
7:00 am Breakfast: Soft cooked oatmeal with mashed bananas
10:00 am Snack: Soft cooked apples or pears
12:00 pm Lunch: Cooked sweet potatoes with soft chicken or tofu
3:00 pm Snack: Yogurt or mashed avocado
6:00 pm Dinner: Soft cooked quinoa with steamed broccoli and fish

Question and Answer

Q: Can I offer my 9-month-old baby finger foods?

A: Yes, you can offer soft finger foods like cooked vegetables and fruits, small pieces of soft chicken, and soft cheese. Always supervise your baby when they’re eating finger foods.

Q: How much water should my 9-month-old baby drink?

A: Babies don’t need much water at this stage, as they get most of their hydration from breastmilk or formula. You can offer a small amount of water during meals or snacks.


Q: Can I give my 9-month-old baby cow’s milk?

A: It’s recommended to wait until your baby is at least 12 months old before introducing cow’s milk. Until then, offer breastmilk or formula.

Q: Can I add salt or sugar to my baby’s food?

A: It’s best to avoid adding salt or sugar to your baby’s food. Babies don’t need added salt or sugar in their diet, and it can be harmful to their health.

Q: What if my baby refuses to eat certain foods?

A: It’s normal for babies to have preferences for certain types of food. Keep offering a variety of foods and textures, and don’t force your baby to eat anything they don’t want to. Over time, they may develop a taste for different foods.

9 month old baby food, Baby finger foods, Baby food recipes
9 month old baby food, Baby finger foods, Baby food recipes from
