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Cape Coral Watering Schedule

Cape Coral Watering Schedule


Living in Cape Coral, Florida, I have come to understand the importance of following the watering schedule. With the hot and dry weather, it is crucial to keep our lawns and plants hydrated. In this article, I will share my personal experience and provide a detailed guide on the Cape Coral watering schedule.

Why is the Watering Schedule Important?

The City of Cape Coral follows a watering schedule to conserve water and ensure that everyone has access to it. The schedule is based on odd and even house numbers, and it applies to both residential and commercial areas. By following the watering schedule, we can avoid wasting water and reduce our water bills.

List of Events and Competitions

The City of Cape Coral hosts events and competitions to encourage residents to follow the watering schedule. Some of these events include:

  • The Green Thumb Award: This award is given to the most beautifully landscaped property that follows the watering schedule.
  • The Water Conservation Challenge: This competition encourages residents to reduce their water usage and follow the watering schedule.

Detailed Schedule Guide

The watering schedule in Cape Coral is as follows:

  • Odd-numbered addresses: Wednesday and Saturday
  • Even-numbered addresses: Thursday and Sunday
  • Non-residential: Tuesday and Friday

It is important to note that watering is only allowed before 10 am or after 4 pm. Additionally, hand watering and micro-irrigation are allowed at any time.

Schedule Table

Here is a table that summarizes the watering schedule:

Addresses Watering Days
Odd-numbered Wednesday and Saturday
Even-numbered Thursday and Sunday
Non-residential Tuesday and Friday

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I don’t follow the watering schedule?

A: If you don’t follow the watering schedule, you may receive a warning or a fine. It is important to follow the schedule to conserve water and avoid penalties.

Q: Can I water my lawn every day?

A: No, you cannot water your lawn every day. The watering schedule is designed to conserve water and ensure that everyone has access to it. By following the schedule, you can avoid wasting water and reduce your water bills.


Q: Can I use a sprinkler system to water my lawn?

A: Yes, you can use a sprinkler system to water your lawn, but only on the designated watering days and times.

Q: What should I do if my lawn is not getting enough water?

A: If your lawn is not getting enough water, you can hand water or use micro-irrigation on the days when watering is not allowed for your address. Additionally, you can adjust your sprinkler system to ensure that your lawn is getting enough water without wasting it. In conclusion, following the watering schedule is crucial for conserving water and avoiding penalties. By following the schedule, we can keep our lawns and plants healthy while reducing our water bills. Remember to only water on the designated days and times to do your part in conserving water in Cape Coral.

Oneday watering schedule enforced in Cape Coral after rain raises
Oneday watering schedule enforced in Cape Coral after rain raises from