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Crate Training Puppy Schedule

Crate Training Puppy Schedule


As a dog lover, you know that crate training is an essential part of raising a happy and healthy puppy. Crate training helps your puppy feel safe and secure, and it also helps to prevent destructive behavior. In this article, we’ll share our personal experience and provide a detailed guide to crate training your puppy. We’ll also answer some common questions about crate training and share some tips to make the process easier for you and your furry friend.

Our Experience with Crate Training

When we first brought home our new puppy, we were excited but also a little overwhelmed. We knew that crate training was important, but we didn’t know where to start. We decided to do some research and came up with a schedule that worked for us. We started by introducing our puppy to the crate and gradually increasing the amount of time he spent in it. We also made sure to give him plenty of exercise and playtime outside of the crate. Over time, our puppy became more comfortable in his crate and started to see it as his own personal space. He would voluntarily go into his crate to nap or relax, and we were able to leave him in the crate for longer periods without any issues.

Events and Competitions

If you’re interested in crate training, you may want to consider attending some events or competitions. These events can be a great way to learn more about crate training and connect with other dog owners. Some popular events and competitions include: – The National Dog Show – The Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show – The American Kennel Club National Championship

Schedule Guide

Here’s a detailed schedule to help you with crate training your puppy: – Week 1: Introduce your puppy to the crate by placing it in a central location in your home. Encourage your puppy to explore the crate and place treats and toys inside to make it more inviting. – Week 2: Start feeding your puppy in the crate. This will help your puppy associate the crate with positive experiences. – Week 3: Begin closing the door of the crate for short periods while your puppy is eating. Gradually increase the amount of time the door is closed. – Week 4: Start leaving your puppy in the crate for short periods while you’re at home. Gradually increase the amount of time your puppy spends in the crate. – Week 5: Begin leaving your puppy in the crate for short periods while you’re away from home. Make sure to provide plenty of toys and treats to keep your puppy occupied. – Week 6: Increase the amount of time your puppy spends in the crate while you’re away from home. Continue to provide plenty of toys and treats.

Schedule Table

Here’s a table to help you visualize the schedule: | Week | Activity | |——|———-| | 1 | Introduce puppy to crate | | 2 | Feed puppy in crate | | 3 | Close door for short periods | | 4 | Leave puppy in crate while at home | | 5 | Leave puppy in crate while away from home | | 6 | Increase time in crate while away from home |

Question and Answer

Q: Is crate training cruel? A: No, crate training is not cruel. When done correctly, it can be a safe and effective way to train your puppy. Q: How long can I leave my puppy in the crate? A: Puppies should not be left in the crate for more than a few hours at a time. Make sure to let your puppy out for exercise and bathroom breaks regularly. Q: Should I use the crate as punishment? A: No, you should never use the crate as punishment. The crate should be a safe and comfortable space for your puppy.


Q: What size crate should I get for my puppy? A: The crate should be big enough for your puppy to stand up, turn around, and lie down comfortably. Q: When should I stop using the crate? A: You can stop using the crate once your puppy is fully house-trained and can be trusted to be left alone. Q: Can I use the crate for travel? A: Yes, the crate can be a great way to keep your puppy safe and comfortable during travel.


Crate training is an important part of raising a happy and healthy puppy. With the right schedule and approach, you can help your puppy feel safe and secure in their crate. Remember to be patient and consistent, and don’t hesitate to reach out to a professional if you need help.

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