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Critical Path Schedule

Critical Path Schedule


As a project manager, I have come across the term “Critical Path Schedule” many times. It is an essential tool that helps in planning and managing projects. In this article, I will share my personal experience with Critical Path Schedule and explain what it is, how it works, and its benefits.

What is Critical Path Schedule?

Critical Path Schedule is a project management technique that identifies the critical path of a project. The critical path is the sequence of activities that must be completed on time to ensure the project finishes on schedule. It helps in determining the shortest possible time to complete a project and identifies activities that have slack time, which means they can be delayed without affecting the project’s overall timeline.

How Does Critical Path Schedule Work?

Critical Path Schedule works by identifying all the activities involved in a project, estimating their duration, and determining their dependencies. It then calculates the earliest start and finish times for each activity and the latest start and finish times. By comparing these times, it identifies the critical path, which is the sequence of activities that have zero slack time.

Benefits of Critical Path Schedule

Critical Path Schedule has several benefits, including:

  • Helps in identifying the critical path and activities that can be delayed without affecting the project’s timeline
  • Allows for better resource allocation and scheduling
  • Provides a clear view of the project’s progress and helps in identifying potential delays or issues
  • Enables project managers to make informed decisions and prioritize activities based on their impact on the project’s timeline

Events and Competition of Critical Path Schedule

Several events and competitions are held globally to promote the use of Critical Path Schedule in project management. These events provide a platform for project managers to showcase their skills and share best practices. Some of these events include:

  • The Critical Path Method Conference
  • The International Project Management Association Congress
  • The Project Management Institute Global Conference

Detail Schedule Guide for Critical Path Schedule

To create a Critical Path Schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Identify all the activities involved in the project
  2. Determine the dependencies between activities
  3. Estimate the duration of each activity
  4. Calculate the earliest start and finish times for each activity
  5. Calculate the latest start and finish times for each activity
  6. Identify the critical path, which is the sequence of activities with zero slack time
  7. Develop a schedule that includes all the activities and their dependencies
  8. Monitor the project’s progress and update the schedule as needed

Schedule Table for Critical Path Schedule

Below is a sample schedule table for a construction project:

Activity Duration (weeks) Predecessor Earliest Start Earliest Finish Latest Start Latest Finish Slack
Site Survey 1 None Week 1 Week 2 Week 1 Week 2 0
Design 8 Site Survey Week 2 Week 10 Week 2 Week 10 0
Permits and Approvals 4 Design Week 10 Week 14 Week 10 Week 14 0
Foundation 6 Permits and Approvals Week 14 Week 20 Week 14 Week 20 0
Frame 5 Foundation Week 20 Week 25 Week 20 Week 25 0
Roofing 2 Frame Week 25 Week 27 Week 25 Week 27 0
Interior 6 Roofing Week 27 Week 33 Week 27 Week 33 0
Exterior 4 Roofing Week 27 Week 31 Week 29 Week 33 2

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if an activity on the critical path is delayed?

A: Delaying an activity on the critical path will delay the entire project’s timeline. It is essential to monitor the critical path activities closely and take corrective action if necessary.

Q: Can Critical Path Schedule be used for all types of projects?

A: Yes, Critical Path Schedule can be used for all types of projects, regardless of their size or complexity.

Q: How often should the Critical Path Schedule be updated?

A: The Critical Path Schedule should be updated regularly, at least once a week, to reflect the project’s progress accurately.


Q: What is slack time?

A: Slack time is the amount of time an activity can be delayed without affecting the project’s timeline.

Q: What is the critical path method?

A: The critical path method is a project management technique that uses Critical Path Schedule to identify the critical path and manage project timelines effectively.

Q: Is Critical Path Schedule the same as Gantt chart?

A: No, Critical Path Schedule and Gantt chart are two different project management tools. While Critical Path Schedule focuses on identifying the critical path, Gantt chart provides a visual representation of the project schedule.


Critical Path Schedule is a crucial tool for project managers to manage project timelines effectively. By identifying the critical path and activities that have slack time, project managers can make informed decisions and prioritize activities based on their impact on the project’s timeline. It is essential to monitor the Critical Path Schedule regularly and update it as needed to ensure the project finishes on schedule.

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How to Find Multiple Critical Paths in a Single CPM Schedule TomsBlog from
