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Do Doctors Check For Dilation With Scheduled C-Section

Do Doctors Check For Dilation With Scheduled C-Section

Personal Experience

As a mother of two, I had two scheduled c-sections due to medical reasons. During my first pregnancy, I was curious about the process of a c-section and wondered if doctors checked for dilation before the procedure. I asked my OB-GYN about it and learned that dilation is not necessary for a scheduled c-section.

Understanding Scheduled C-Section

A scheduled c-section is a planned surgical procedure where the baby is delivered through an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus. This type of delivery is usually recommended for medical reasons, such as a previous c-section, placenta previa, or fetal distress.

Do Doctors Check For Dilation?

No, doctors do not typically check for dilation before a scheduled c-section. Since the c-section is planned in advance, the doctor can determine the best time for delivery based on the mother’s medical condition and the baby’s development. Dilation is only important during a vaginal delivery as it is an indication of when the baby is ready to be born.

The Importance of Medical Evaluations

Before a scheduled c-section, the mother will undergo several medical evaluations to ensure that both she and the baby are healthy and ready for the procedure. These evaluations may include blood tests, ultrasounds, and fetal monitoring.

Schedule Guide for Scheduled C-Section

Here is a general guide for a scheduled c-section:

  • The mother will be asked to fast for several hours before the procedure.
  • The mother will be given an IV for fluids and medications.
  • The mother will be given anesthesia, either spinal or epidural, to numb the lower half of her body.
  • The doctor will make an incision in the mother’s abdomen and uterus to deliver the baby.
  • The baby will be taken to the nursery for evaluation while the mother is being stitched up.
  • The mother will be taken to the recovery room for monitoring.

Schedule Table for Scheduled C-Section

Here is a sample schedule table for a scheduled c-section:

Time Activity
6:00 AM Check-in at the hospital
7:00 AM Pre-operative evaluation
8:00 AM Start of the procedure
8:30 AM Delivery of the baby
9:00 AM Mother and baby taken to the recovery room

Question and Answer

Q: Is dilation necessary for a scheduled c-section?

A: No, dilation is not necessary for a scheduled c-section.

Q: How long does a scheduled c-section take?

A: The actual procedure usually takes about 30 minutes, but the entire process, including pre-operative evaluation and recovery, can take several hours.

Q: Can I have a scheduled c-section if I have never had a vaginal delivery?

A: Yes, a scheduled c-section can be performed even if the mother has never had a vaginal delivery.


Q: Is a c-section more painful than a vaginal delivery?

A: Recovery from a c-section can be more painful than a vaginal delivery, but pain management medications can help alleviate discomfort.

Q: Can I breastfeed after a c-section?

A: Yes, you can breastfeed after a c-section, but you may need to try different positions to avoid putting pressure on your incision site.

Q: How soon can I start exercising after a c-section?

A: You should wait at least 6-8 weeks before starting any strenuous exercise after a c-section. Always consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program.

Dilation and Curettage D&C Before, During and After Surgery
Dilation and Curettage D&C Before, During and After Surgery from
