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Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule

Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule

Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule: A Guide to the Year’s Key Events


As a legal professional, keeping up with the latest developments in the law is crucial. One of the best ways to stay informed is by attending the oral arguments scheduled by the Hawaii Supreme Court. But with so many events on the schedule, it can be hard to know where to start. In this article, we’ll provide an overview of the key events on the Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule, along with a detailed guide to help you plan your attendance.

Personal Experience

As an attorney practicing in Hawaii, I’ve attended numerous oral arguments at the Hawaii Supreme Court. Each event is an opportunity to learn from some of the state’s most skilled attorneys and judges. I’ve found that attending oral arguments is not only informative, but also inspiring. It’s a chance to witness the legal process in action, and to see how the law is applied in real-world situations.

List of Events

The Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule is packed with events throughout the year. Here are a few of the key events to keep on your radar: – January: The Supreme Court kicks off the new year with a series of oral arguments on a range of topics, from criminal law to civil rights. – April: The court hears arguments on cases related to environmental law, employment law, and other important legal issues. – July: Summer oral arguments focus on cases related to family law, immigration law, and other social justice issues. – October: The Supreme Court wraps up the year with a series of arguments on cases related to business law, intellectual property, and other commercial law topics.

Schedule Guide

Attending oral arguments at the Hawaii Supreme Court is easy, but there are a few things to keep in mind. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you plan your attendance: 1. Check the Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule online. The schedule is updated regularly, so be sure to check back often for the latest information. 2. Choose the date and time of the oral argument you want to attend. Make note of the case name and docket number so you can follow along during the argument. 3. Arrive at the Supreme Court building at least 30 minutes before the scheduled start time. This will give you time to go through security and find a seat in the courtroom. 4. Once inside the courtroom, sit quietly and observe the proceedings. Note the arguments made by each side, and pay attention to the questions asked by the justices. 5. After the argument is over, take some time to reflect on what you learned. Consider discussing the case with colleagues or doing additional research to deepen your understanding.

Schedule Table

For a more comprehensive guide to the Hawaii Supreme Court Oral Arguments Schedule, here is a table of all the events scheduled for the year: | Month | Topic | Date | Time | |——-|——-|——|——| | January | Criminal Law | Jan. 10-12 | 9:00 am | | April | Environmental Law | Apr. 17-19 | 10:00 am | | July | Family Law | Jul. 11-13 | 9:00 am | | October | Business Law | Oct. 16-18 | 10:00 am |

Question and Answer

Q: Can anyone attend oral arguments at the Hawaii Supreme Court? A: Yes! Oral arguments are open to the public. Q: Do I need to register in advance to attend an oral argument? A: No registration is required. Q: Can I bring electronic devices into the courtroom? A: No, cameras and other electronic devices are not allowed in the courtroom.


Q: What is the purpose of oral arguments? A: Oral arguments are a chance for attorneys to present their case to the justices of the Supreme Court, and for the justices to ask questions and clarify points of law. Q: Can I speak during an oral argument? A: No, oral arguments are a time for the attorneys to speak, not the public. Q: How long do oral arguments typically last? A: Oral arguments usually last between 30 minutes and an hour, depending on the complexity of the case.


Attending oral arguments at the Hawaii Supreme Court is a great way to stay informed about the latest legal developments in the state. By following the schedule guide provided in this article, you can plan your attendance at key events throughout the year. Whether you’re a practicing attorney or simply interested in the law, attending oral arguments is a valuable experience that can deepen your understanding of the legal process.
Supreme Court's April oral arguments calendar is out. scotus
Supreme Court's April oral arguments calendar is out. scotus from
