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How To Schedule A Post On Linkedin

How To Schedule A Post On Linkedin


As a professional networking platform, LinkedIn is a valuable tool for businesses and individuals to create and share content. However, finding the right time to post your content can be challenging. Fortunately, LinkedIn offers a scheduling feature that allows users to schedule their posts in advance. In this article, we will guide you through the process of scheduling a post on LinkedIn, including tips and tricks to help you get the most out of this feature.

Personal Experience

As a social media marketer, I often struggle with finding the right time to post content on LinkedIn. I used to spend hours analyzing data and trends to determine the best time to post, but it was still hit or miss. Then, I discovered the scheduling feature on LinkedIn, which has saved me time and improved my engagement rates.

What is Scheduling on LinkedIn?

Scheduling on LinkedIn allows users to create and schedule posts in advance. This means you can plan your content strategy and schedule your posts at a time when your audience is most active. Scheduling can help you save time, improve engagement rates, and ensure that your content is consistent.

How to Schedule a Post on LinkedIn

Here is a step-by-step guide to scheduling a post on LinkedIn: 1. Log in to your LinkedIn account and go to your homepage. 2. Click on the “Start a post” button. 3. Write your post and add any media or links as needed. 4. Click on the arrow next to the “Post” button, and select “Schedule post.” 5. Choose the date and time you want your post to be published. 6. Click on “Schedule” to save your post.

Tips and Tricks

Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of the scheduling feature on LinkedIn: – Schedule your posts in advance to save time and ensure consistency. – Use LinkedIn analytics to determine the best time to post for your audience. – Experiment with different types of content, such as videos or images, to see what gets the most engagement. – Don’t forget to engage with your audience by responding to comments and messages.

Events and Competitions

LinkedIn often hosts events and competitions related to content creation and marketing. Keep an eye out for these events, as they can provide valuable insights and opportunities to connect with other professionals.

Schedule Table

Here is a sample schedule table for posting on LinkedIn: | Day | Time | | — | — | | Monday | 10 am | | Tuesday | 2 pm | | Wednesday | 4 pm | | Thursday | 9 am | | Friday | 3 pm |

Question and Answer

Q: Can I schedule posts on LinkedIn for multiple accounts? A: Yes, you can schedule posts for multiple accounts by using a social media management tool that integrates with LinkedIn. Q: What types of content should I post on LinkedIn? A: You can post a variety of content on LinkedIn, including articles, videos, images, and infographics. The key is to create content that is relevant and useful to your audience.


Q: Can I edit a scheduled post on LinkedIn? A: Yes, you can edit a scheduled post by clicking on the “Edit” button next to the post in your scheduling queue. Q: Can I schedule posts on LinkedIn for weekends? A: Yes, you can schedule posts for weekends, but keep in mind that your audience may be less active on weekends. It’s best to experiment with different posting times to see what works best for your audience.

Schedule Your LinkedIn Posts Tips & Tricks Agorapulse
Schedule Your LinkedIn Posts Tips & Tricks Agorapulse from
