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King Drew Bell Schedule

King Drew Bell Schedule


As a student or parent, keeping up with school schedules can be a daunting task. One such schedule is the King Drew Bell Schedule. In this article, we will take a closer look at what this schedule is, how it works, and everything else you need to know about it in 2023.

My Personal Experience

As a former student at King Drew Magnet High School of Medicine and Science, the bell schedule was always an integral part of my school life. I remember how it felt to have to rush to class after every bell, trying to make it on time. However, once I got the hang of the schedule, it became easier to navigate, and I was able to focus more on my studies.

What is the King Drew Bell Schedule?

The King Drew Bell Schedule is a unique schedule that helps students and teachers manage their time effectively. The schedule comprises of different bells that signal the start and end of classes, breaks, and lunchtime. Each bell has a designated time, which is strictly adhered to, to ensure that everything runs smoothly.

List of Events and Competitions

Throughout the year, King Drew Magnet High School holds several events and competitions for students. These events are designed to help students showcase their talents, learn new skills, and interact with their peers. Some of the events and competitions that take place include:

  • Science Fairs
  • Spelling Bees
  • Debate Competitions
  • Math Competitions
  • Sports Tournaments

Detail Schedule Guide

The King Drew Bell Schedule is divided into several periods that run throughout the day. Each period has a designated start and end time, and students are expected to move from one class to the next once the bell rings. The schedule is as follows:

Period Start Time End Time
Period 1 8:00 am 9:30 am
Period 2 9:35 am 11:05 am
Period 3 11:10 am 12:40 pm
Lunch 12:40 pm 1:20 pm
Period 4 1:25 pm 2:55 pm

Question and Answer (Q&A)

Q: What happens if I am late for class?
A: If you are late for class, you will be marked as tardy, and you may miss important information covered at the beginning of the class. Q: Can I leave school during lunchtime?
A: Yes, you can leave school during lunchtime, but you must return in time for the next class. Q: What happens if I miss a class?
A: If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to catch up on the material covered. You can ask your teacher for assistance or arrange to meet with a tutor.


Q: Is the King Drew Bell Schedule the same every day?
A: Yes, the schedule remains the same every day, except for special events or holidays. Q: Can I switch classes during the school year?
A: Switching classes during the school year is discouraged, but you can speak to your counselor or teacher for guidance. Q: What happens if I have a conflict with a class?
A: If you have a conflict with a class, you can speak to your teacher or counselor for assistance in resolving the issue.


In conclusion, the King Drew Bell Schedule is an essential tool in managing time effectively in high school. By understanding the schedule and adhering to it, students can improve their academic performance and reduce stress levels. If you have any questions or concerns about the schedule, do not hesitate to speak to your teacher or counselor for assistance.

Bell Schedule
Bell Schedule from
