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Puppy Shots Schedule Chart

Puppy Shots Schedule Chart


Getting a new puppy is an exciting experience, but it also comes with a lot of responsibilities. As a pet owner, one of your primary tasks is to keep your furry friend healthy and protected from diseases. This is where the “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart” comes in. In this article, we’ll discuss everything you need to know about the vaccination schedule for puppies and how to keep them safe and healthy.

Personal Experience

I remember when I got my first puppy, Max, a few years ago. I was so excited to have him in my life, but I was also worried about his health. I didn’t know much about vaccinations and the schedule for them. Thankfully, my vet was very helpful and provided me with a “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart” that helped me keep track of Max’s vaccinations. It was a lifesaver for me, and Max is now a healthy and happy dog.

The Importance of Vaccinations

Vaccinations are essential for puppies as they protect them from various diseases that can be fatal or cause severe health issues. The “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart” ensures that your puppy gets the right vaccines at the right time. It’s essential to follow the schedule to keep your puppy safe and healthy.

Events and Competitions

There are various events and competitions that require puppies to be up-to-date with their vaccinations. For example, if you want to enroll your puppy in a dog show or competition, they must have all the necessary vaccinations. It’s crucial to keep track of the vaccination schedule if you plan to participate in such events.

Schedule Guide

The “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart” is divided into several stages, and each stage has a specific set of vaccines that your puppy needs. Here’s a brief guide to the schedule:

Stage 1: 6-8 Weeks

At this stage, your puppy should receive the following vaccines:

  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza)
  • Bordetella

Stage 2: 10-12 Weeks

Your puppy should receive the following vaccines:

  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza)
  • Bordetella
  • Rabies

Stage 3: 14-16 Weeks

Your puppy should receive the following vaccines:

  • DHPP (Distemper, Hepatitis, Parvovirus, Parainfluenza)
  • Bordetella

Schedule Table

Here’s a table that summarizes the “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart”:

Age Vaccines
6-8 Weeks DHPP, Bordetella
10-12 Weeks DHPP, Bordetella, Rabies
14-16 Weeks DHPP, Bordetella

Question and Answer

Q: What happens if I miss a vaccine?
A: It’s essential to follow the “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart” to keep your puppy safe and healthy. If you miss a vaccine, talk to your vet to see if your puppy needs a catch-up vaccine. Q: Can my puppy go outside before completing the vaccination schedule?
A: It’s best to keep your puppy indoors until they complete the vaccination schedule. Puppies are susceptible to diseases, and going outside before completing the vaccinations can put them at risk.


Q: Do all puppies need the same vaccines?
A: No, the vaccines your puppy needs may vary depending on their age, breed, and health condition. Talk to your vet to determine the right vaccines for your puppy. Q: Are vaccines safe for puppies?
A: Yes, vaccines are safe for puppies, and they’re essential to protect them from diseases. However, like any medical procedure, there may be some side effects. Talk to your vet if you have any concerns.


The “Puppy Shots Schedule Chart” is an essential tool for new pet owners. It helps ensure that your puppy receives the right vaccines at the right time, keeping them safe and healthy. Remember to follow the schedule and talk to your vet if you have any questions or concerns. With proper care and attention, your puppy will grow up to be a healthy and happy dog.

Keep your puppy healthy with this vaccination schedule (INFOGRAPHIC)
Keep your puppy healthy with this vaccination schedule (INFOGRAPHIC) from
