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Schedule For P90X Lean

Schedule For P90X Lean


I started my fitness journey a few years ago with the P90x program. It was tough, but it helped me transform my body and improve my overall health. One of the schedules I followed was the P90x Lean schedule. In this article, I will share my personal experience with the program and provide a detailed guide on the schedule for P90x Lean.

What is P90x Lean?

P90x Lean is a workout program that focuses on building lean muscle and burning fat. It is designed for people who want to tone their body and improve their cardiovascular health. The program consists of 12 workouts, which are done over the course of 90 days. The workouts are a combination of strength training, cardio, and yoga.

List of Events or Competition of Schedule For P90x Lean

There are no specific events or competitions associated with the P90x Lean program. However, many people use the program as a way to improve their overall fitness and prepare for other events such as marathons, triathlons, or obstacle course races.

Detail Schedule Guide for Schedule For P90x Lean

The P90x Lean program is divided into three phases, each lasting 30 days. Here is a detailed guide on the schedule for P90x Lean: Phase 1: Weeks 1-4

  • Day 1: Core Synergistics
  • Day 2: Cardio X
  • Day 3: Shoulders and Arms
  • Day 4: Yoga X
  • Day 5: Legs and Back
  • Day 6: Kenpo X
  • Day 7: Rest or Stretch

Phase 2: Weeks 5-8

  • Day 1: Core Synergistics
  • Day 2: Cardio X
  • Day 3: Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps
  • Day 4: Yoga X
  • Day 5: Legs and Back
  • Day 6: Kenpo X
  • Day 7: Rest or Stretch

Phase 3: Weeks 9-12

  • Day 1: Core Synergistics
  • Day 2: Cardio X
  • Day 3: Back and Biceps
  • Day 4: Yoga X
  • Day 5: Legs and Back
  • Day 6: Kenpo X
  • Day 7: Rest or Stretch

Schedule Table for Schedule For P90x Lean

Here is a schedule table for P90x Lean:

Weeks Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4 Day 5 Day 6 Day 7
1-4 Core Synergistics Cardio X Shoulders and Arms Yoga X Legs and Back Kenpo X Rest or Stretch
5-8 Core Synergistics Cardio X Chest, Shoulders, and Triceps Yoga X Legs and Back Kenpo X Rest or Stretch
9-12 Core Synergistics Cardio X Back and Biceps Yoga X Legs and Back Kenpo X Rest or Stretch

Question and Answer

Q: Is P90x Lean suitable for beginners?
A: The P90x Lean program is designed for people who have some level of fitness experience. It can be challenging for beginners, but modifications can be made to make it more manageable. Q: How long are the workouts?
A: The workouts range from 30 minutes to 90 minutes, depending on the day and the phase of the program. Q: Do I need any equipment for P90x Lean?
A: Yes, you will need some basic equipment such as dumbbells or resistance bands, a yoga mat, and a pull-up bar.


Q: Can I do P90x Lean every day?
A: No, you should not do P90x Lean every day. The program is designed for six days a week with one rest or stretch day. Q: Can I follow a different order of the workouts?
A: It is not recommended to follow a different order of the workouts as the program is designed to work specific muscle groups on specific days. Q: How long does it take to see results with P90x Lean?
A: Results vary depending on individual effort and commitment, but most people start to see noticeable results within the first four weeks of the program.


P90x Lean is a challenging but rewarding workout program that can help you build lean muscle and burn fat. By following the detailed schedule guide and using the equipment required, you can achieve your fitness goals and improve your overall health. Remember to listen to your body, modify when necessary, and stay committed to the program. Good luck!

The P90X Workout Schedule Classic, Lean & Doubles Buildingbeast
The P90X Workout Schedule Classic, Lean & Doubles Buildingbeast from
