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Schedule Of Fomc Meetings

Schedule Of Fomc Meetings


As we move towards the end of 2022, it’s time to start looking ahead to the schedule for FOMC (Federal Open Market Committee) meetings in 2023. These meetings have a significant impact on the global economy, and it’s important for investors, traders, and anyone interested in financial markets to understand their importance and how they work.

What is the FOMC?

The FOMC is a committee within the Federal Reserve System that is responsible for setting monetary policy in the United States. The committee meets eight times a year to discuss economic and financial conditions and determine the appropriate course of action to support the goals of maximum employment and price stability.

List of Events

Here is the list of FOMC meetings scheduled for 2023:

  • January 31-February 1
  • March 21-22
  • May 2-3
  • June 13-14
  • July 25-26
  • September 19-20
  • November 7-8
  • December 12-13

Why are FOMC Meetings Important?

The decisions made at FOMC meetings have a significant impact on the global economy. The committee sets the federal funds rate, which is the interest rate at which banks lend money to each other overnight. This rate affects the interest rates that consumers and businesses pay on loans and credit cards, as well as the returns on savings accounts and other investments. Changes in the federal funds rate can also affect the value of the US dollar and the prices of commodities like gold and oil.

Schedule Guide

Each FOMC meeting consists of two parts. On the first day, the committee discusses economic and financial conditions and receives briefings from staff members. On the second day, the committee makes decisions on monetary policy and issues a statement explaining its actions.

Schedule Table

Date Event
January 31-February 1 Meeting 1
March 21-22 Meeting 2
May 2-3 Meeting 3
June 13-14 Meeting 4
July 25-26 Meeting 5
September 19-20 Meeting 6
November 7-8 Meeting 7
December 12-13 Meeting 8

Question and Answer

Q: Who is on the FOMC?

A: The FOMC is made up of 12 members, including the seven members of the Federal Reserve Board and five of the 12 Federal Reserve Bank presidents.

Q: What is the federal funds rate?

A: The federal funds rate is the interest rate at which banks lend money to each other overnight. It is set by the FOMC and has a significant impact on the interest rates that consumers and businesses pay on loans and credit cards, as well as the returns on savings accounts and other investments.

Q: How can I stay up-to-date on FOMC meetings and decisions?

A: The Federal Reserve Board releases a statement after each FOMC meeting that explains the committee’s decisions on monetary policy. You can also follow financial news outlets and websites for analysis and commentary on the meetings and their impact on the economy.


Understanding the schedule of FOMC meetings and their importance is crucial for anyone interested in financial markets. By staying up-to-date on these meetings and their decisions, you can make better-informed investment and financial decisions for yourself and your business.

Fomc Meeting 2022 June
Fomc Meeting 2022 June from
