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Sleep Schedule For 4 Month Old

Sleep Schedule For 4 Month Old


As a new parent, one of the most challenging things is establishing a sleep schedule for your little one. At four months old, babies are developing rapidly, and their sleep patterns are changing. In this article, we will discuss the importance of a sleep schedule, how to establish one, and some tips for making it work.

Why is a sleep schedule important?

A sleep schedule is essential for babies because it helps them develop healthy sleep habits. When babies have a consistent sleep routine, they are more likely to fall asleep easily and stay asleep longer. A sleep schedule can also help parents plan their day and ensure that their baby is getting the recommended amount of sleep.

Personal Experience

When my son was four months old, he was a terrible sleeper. He would wake up every two hours at night, and I was exhausted. I decided to establish a sleep schedule, and it made a world of difference. Within a week, he was sleeping longer stretches at night, and I felt more rested.

How to Establish a Sleep Schedule

Establishing a sleep schedule takes time and patience. Here are some tips to help you get started:

1. Create a Bedtime Routine

A consistent bedtime routine can help signal to your baby that it’s time for sleep. Your routine could include a bath, a story, and a lullaby.

2. Watch for Sleep Cues

Babies often show signs that they are tired, such as rubbing their eyes or becoming fussy. Watch for these cues and put your baby down for a nap or bedtime when you notice them.

3. Be Consistent

Consistency is key when establishing a sleep schedule. Try to wake your baby up at the same time every morning and put them down for naps and bedtime at the same time every day.

4. Be Patient

Establishing a sleep schedule takes time, and your baby may resist it at first. Stick with it, and eventually, your baby will adjust to the routine.

Schedule Guide

Here is a sample sleep schedule for a four-month-old baby:

6:00 AM

Wake up and feed

7:00 AM


8:00 AM


9:30 AM

Wake up and feed

10:30 AM


12:00 PM


1:30 PM

Wake up and feed

2:30 PM


4:00 PM


5:30 PM

Wake up and feed

6:30 PM

Bath and bedtime routine

7:00 PM


Events and Competitions

There are many events and competitions related to baby sleep schedules. One popular event is the “Sleep Sense” challenge, where parents compete to see who can establish the best sleep schedule for their baby.

Question and Answer

Q: What if my baby doesn’t follow the sleep schedule?

A: Don’t worry if your baby doesn’t follow the schedule exactly. The goal is to establish a routine and help your baby develop healthy sleep habits.

Q: Should I wake my baby up from naps?

A: It’s okay to wake your baby up from a nap if they have been sleeping for too long. However, try to stick to the schedule as much as possible.

Q: What if my baby is still waking up at night?

A: It’s normal for babies to wake up at night, but if your baby is having trouble falling back asleep, try adjusting their bedtime or nap schedule.


Q: How much sleep does a four-month-old need?

A: A four-month-old baby needs around 12-16 hours of sleep per day, including naps and nighttime sleep.

Q: Can I let my baby sleep in my bed?

A: It’s not recommended to let your baby sleep in your bed, as it can be dangerous. Instead, create a safe and comfortable sleep environment for your baby in their own crib or bassinet.

Q: What if my baby is teething?

A: Teething can disrupt your baby’s sleep, but sticking to a consistent sleep schedule can help. You can also try giving your baby a teething toy or using a teething gel to ease their discomfort. In conclusion, establishing a sleep schedule for your four-month-old baby takes time and patience, but it’s worth it. A consistent sleep routine can help your baby develop healthy sleep habits and make life easier for parents. Use these tips and the sample schedule as a guide, and don’t forget to be patient and flexible as your baby adjusts to the routine.

4 Month Old Schedule Sample Sleep, Feeding, & Activity Routine 4
4 Month Old Schedule Sample Sleep, Feeding, & Activity Routine 4 from
