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Visual Schedules For Autism

Visual Schedules For Autism

When my son was diagnosed with autism, I was overwhelmed with the amount of information and resources available. One tool that has been incredibly helpful for us is visual schedules. In this article, I will share our personal experience and dive deeper into the benefits and strategies of using visual schedules for autism.

What are Visual Schedules?

Visual schedules are a set of pictures or words that represent the activities or tasks that an individual needs to complete in a specific order. They provide a visual representation of what is expected and can help reduce anxiety and improve communication for individuals with autism.

Benefits of Visual Schedules for Autism

Visual schedules can provide a range of benefits for individuals with autism, including:

  • Improved communication and understanding of expectations
  • Reduced anxiety and meltdowns
  • Increased independence and self-regulation
  • Improved transitions between activities

How to Create a Visual Schedule

Creating a visual schedule can seem overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. Here are some tips to get started:

  1. Identify the activities or tasks that need to be completed
  2. Select images or words that represent each activity
  3. Arrange the images or words in the order they need to be completed
  4. Display the visual schedule in a prominent location

Visual Schedule Guide

Here is an example of a visual schedule for a morning routine:

Activity Image
Wake up Image of a sun
Get dressed Image of clothing
Brush teeth Image of toothbrush
Eat breakfast Image of food
Go to school Image of school bus

Events and Competitions

The National Autism Association hosts an annual Visual Schedules Contest that showcases the creativity and effectiveness of visual schedules for individuals with autism. The contest is open to all ages and abilities and provides a platform for individuals and families to share their experiences and strategies.

Question and Answer

What age is appropriate for visual schedules?

Visual schedules can be used for individuals of all ages and abilities. They can be tailored to meet the needs of the individual and can be modified as they grow and develop.

How do I know if my child needs a visual schedule?

If your child struggles with transitions, following routines, or understanding expectations, a visual schedule may be helpful. Talk to your child’s therapist or teacher for guidance and support.

What if my child doesn’t like the images or words I selected?

It’s important to involve your child in the process of creating the visual schedule. Allow them to choose the images or words that they prefer and make modifications as needed.


Visual schedules can be a powerful tool for individuals with autism. They provide a visual representation of expectations and can help reduce anxiety and improve communication. By following the tips and strategies outlined in this article, you can create a visual schedule that meets the needs of your child and promotes independence and self-regulation.

Visual Schedule Template task list templates
Visual Schedule Template task list templates from
